PG 2024 TBN1

Prize Giving 2024

18th September 2024

Welcome to St Margaret’s School Prize Giving 2024

Looking through the individual and school-wide achievements over the past year, I am struck by the diversity in our community; not only in our families’ backgrounds but also the interests, skills and ambitions of our pupil body. I am thrilled by this and the progress we make here. This is a hard-working school with hard-working pupils and families, and this is a moment for us to reflect on how far we have come.

Our pupil progress, as demonstrated by public exam results and the value added by all pupils, not just those clutching all A*s, reflects who we are and what we are about - knowing the individual children, working with dedication and love to offer the best opportunities and support in order for them to flourish. At A-Level, our pupils have shone, with 50% achieving A*-A grades. Last year’s GCSE pupils, who were in Year 7 when Covid hit and disrupted their Senior School stride, have shown tremendous resilience. Many overcame great adversity to achieve excellent value-added scores.

However, public examinations only tell you so much about a school. Every term we celebrate ‘bucket winners’ - pupils who have filled the buckets of their peers, who have been kind, shown everyday leadership and been supportive of the School’s values. When I introduced this initiative during Covid, I thought it might add some laughter and light. Little did I realise that these buckets would come to mean so much. Pupils really want to be recognised by their peers for being supportive and kind to others and to our community. Now, this is worth celebrating. How fitting it is, then, that we have Ben Walden from Contender Charlie here today with his lessons on leadership.

If you have won a prize today or have your sights on one for the future, learn from those around you, celebrate one another, listen hard to your heart to discover what you are passionate about, and most of all, keep going.

Lara Péchard

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