Our Community
One of the charities we support is Little Acts of Kindness; a principle that matters to our pupils
St Margaret's is a School steeped in a history of service and charitable works. Founded to support the orphaned children of clergymen it has continued to prioritise community spirit and kindness ever since.
At the beginning of the twentieth century the School took on the name St Margaret's and it promotes many of its namesake's principles through volunteering projects with care homes and through its charitable initiatives, including for local homeless charities. The pupil led Student Council is particularly active in its charity work and so too is the Prefect body and the four Houses. Pupils place importance on their impact whether that is on their year group, boarding house or School. It really matters to children here that they are a force of good and help others. The take up of the pupil led peer mentoring programme and buddy is always very high.
In keeping with this, St Margaret's undertakes various outreach programmes including opening up its facilities to other local schools and groups.
Developing our volunteering programme, so that every child is involved in serving the local community is a key element of the School's development plan.
Working With Families
Families are at the heart of what we do
We believe that the strong relationship between families, the child and the School, is key to a successful partnership and outcome for the child.

Friends of St Margaret's
Working together for St Margaret's
“The Friends of St Margaret’s is a great sounding board for trying out new ideas and to garner feedback. I have really enjoyed working with our parents who care so passionately about our School.”