A-Level Results Day 2022
22nd August 2022
Such a pleasure to welcome our Year 13 cohort back into School to collect their results last week.
This year pupils have been assessed by public examination for the first time since 2019 and we were delighted to welcome them back into School to collect long-awaited results. Always emotional for pupils and parents alike, and particularly this year as the Y13 cohort had not had the opportunity to sit GCSEs in the traditional sense, we were so pleased to see both impressive grades and places secured at first-choice university destinations and on prestigious degree apprenticeship schemes.
With 47% of marks graded as A*-A (up from 36% in 2019) and 87% A*-C, (86% in 2019), our students have performed well and secured places at a tremendous breadth of universities to study a diverse set of courses, including Aeronautics at Southampton, Medicine at Queen Mary, and Politics, Philosophy and Law at Warwick. One pupil has accepted a place in the Czech Republic to read Veterinary Science and another will travel to the USA to read for a Liberal Arts degree, alongside two pupils who have accepted apprenticeship places at J.P. Morgan and Vodafone. Head, Lara Péchard commented:
“We are delighted with the continued improvement reflected in these results and so proud of all that Year 13 have achieved”