St Margaret's School - Senior Registration Form

St Margaret's School - Senior Registration Form

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1.1 Pupil Information


For us to officially consider your child's entrance into St Margaret's, you will need to complete the registration form in full and pay the relevant non-refundable registration fee (UK students £156 and international students £216). The payment will be requested at the end of this form - the page will automatically appear.  

If you do not require the School to sponsor your child please confirm that your child has or will have a time - restricted or temporary visa in any other immigration category (for example, as a dependent) and please provide a copy. For European students with pre or settled status we will need to liaise with you to obtain your share code to prove your status. Please also provide any further relevant details.
** Parental responsibility is defined in the Children Act 1989 as "all rights, duties, powers and responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his or her property". It equates to legal responsibility for the child. If you have any doubts about whether you do or do not have parental responsibility for the child you may wish to seek legal advice.

1.2 Parent / Guardian Information

Parent 1

Parent 2

1.3 Further Information

1.4 Reference Details

1.5 Special Educational Needs

Please enclose the most recent Educational Psychologist’s report, if you have one. Please also send us any relevant medical, special needs or other educational reports you may have.

Note: non-disclosure of any known SEN diagnosis, or concerns, may result in any offer of a place being rescinded

1.6 Financial Assistance

Bursarial assistance may be offered subject to confirmation of financial status and is subject to annual review. Details of Bursaries and application forms are available hereThis is NOT an application - please ensure you complete the separate application form to apply for a bursary.

** Year 7s are given automatic consideration for academic scholarships. Scholarships are awarded at Year 7, 9 and 12 entry points and are in recognition of excellence in a subject, not for financial support. Applicants are welcome to apply for Bursaries as well as Scholarships. Details of Scholarships and application forms are available here. This is NOT an application - please ensure you complete the separate application form to apply for a scholarship.

1.7 Declaration

By signing below, we as holders of parental responsibility understand, accept and agree the following:

  1. our above-named child be registered as a prospective pupil of St Margaret's School and we include the non-refundable registration fee of £156 (£216 for overseas candidates);
  2. registration of our child as a prospective pupil does not secure our child a place at the School but does ensure that our child will be considered for selection as a pupil at the School;
  3. if our child is offered a place at the School, such an offer will be subject to the School's terms and conditions for the provision of educational services **, which will bind us (as the holders of parental responsibility for him/her) in the event (and from the moment) that we accept the place;
  4. in order to comply with our responsibilities as a registered Tier 4 sponsor, you consent to us notifying and/or supplying information relating to you and/or your child's right to enter, reside and/or study in the United Kingdom to the United Kingdom Visas and Immigration (UKVI) unit of the Home Office and, in any event, if our child is offered a place at the School, such an offer will be subject to us confirming that our child has the right to enter, live and study in the United Kingdom;
  5. if applicable, the School may request from our child's present school or educational institution: (a) information and a reference in respect of our child; and/or (b) information about any outstanding fees and/or supplemental charges; and
  6. the School may process any personal data about us (or either of us) and our child, including sensitive personal data about our child (such as medical details), for the purposes of:
(i) administering its list of prospective pupils;
(ii) its registration, selection and/or admission procedures, including as set out above; and
(iii) communicating with the parents of prospective pupils about the School and generally managing relationships between the School and its prospective pupils.

** A copy of the current terms and conditions (known as the School's parent contract) is available for your information upon request at any time, but please note that the version of the parent contract supplied may be subject to change prior to the point in time when a place at the School for your child may be offered.

Registration Fee